propos de l�auteur am�ricain Chris Snidow, la grande historienne et
sp�cialiste de Jeanne d�Arc, Marie-V�ronique Clin, nous dit : "Chris Snidow
nous fait revivre l�histoire de Jeanne d�Arc d�une mani�re in�dite." En 2006 son livre,
Joan of Arc and the God of the Bible a paru aux Etats-Unis.
En 2009, la traduction fran�aise, Jeanne d�Arc et le Dieu de la Bible
est sortie recevant de tr�s bonnes revues. Chris a v�cu cinq ann�es en
Europe ; aux Pays-Bas puis en France. Depuis 2002, avec sa femme Catherine,
il a men� des groupes am�ricains en p�lerinage en France, sur les pas de Jeanne
d�Arc. Chris est int�res� par l�histoire authentique de Jeanne. Il est
sp�cialement impressionn� par sa foi dans le Dieu de la Bible. Le fait que
toutes les proph�ties de Jeanne se soient toutes av�r�es exactes a pouss� Chris
� �crire ce livre.
Avant de publier son livre, il montra son int�r�t
profond pour Jeanne en �crivant plusieurs articles sur Jeanne d'Arc et son Dieu,
qui sont parus entre autres dans The Dallas Morning News, Esprit, et The
Epistle. En effet, Monsieur Snidow, aid� des principaux experts Johanniques
fran�ais et am�ricains, a �tudi� pendant de nombreuses ann�es la vie et l��poque
de Jeanne d�Arc.
Musicien professionnel depuis des ann�es, il a fond� en
1985, sa maison d��dition, Biblical Sound Pictures
( Images Bibliques
Sonoris�es ). Le CD Fille de Dieu/Jeanne d'Arc,
une �tude musicale sur Jeanne, sorti en 2004, fut bien re�u par les critiques.
Le CD, Jeanne d�Arc et le Dieu de la Bible, fut cr�e sp�cialement pour le
spectacle Son et Lumi�re � la basilique de Domr�my en mai 2007. Il a aussi
produit plusieurs CDs sur des th�mes Bibliques. Sa musique et ses livres sont
disponibles en Angleterre, au Canada, en France, en Hollande, aux Etats-Unis et
sur l�Internet via
a re�u son dipl�me d��tat d�infirmier en 1978, et s�est sp�cialis� dans la
psychiatrie. Ces derni�res ann�es il a travaill� avec les Sans Domicile Fixe.
Chris habitent avec sa femme � Dallas au Texas. Depuis 2002, avec sa femme, il
m�ne des groupes d'am�ricains en p�lerinage en France sur les pas de Jeanne
d'Arc ( Chris aide
diff�rentes �glises et aumonerie d'universtit� � Dallas dans l'organisation
d'offices de pri�re avec la musique de Taize (
R�sum� du livre :
Dans Jeanne d'Arc et le Dieu de la
Bible, l'auteur am�ricain Chris Snidow pr�sente les
nombreux parall�les observ�s entre Jeanne et les grands personnages de la Bible,
d'une mani�re in�dite et ing�nieuse. Depuis des si�cles, les aspects surnaturels
de sa vie sont le sujet de d�bats intenses. Ses interactions avec les
envoye�s de Dieu, ses proph�ties toutes accomplies, son esprit humble, ses
actions et paroles audacieuses, son amour de Dieu, et sa vie centr�e sur la
pri�re suivent le mod�le de la vie des grands proph�tes-saints de la Bible. En
ce temps de spirtiualite "new age" et de libre pens�e grandissantes, Jeanne
d'Arc devient un t�moin puissant pour le Dieu trinitaire de la
Jeanne d�Arc et
le Dieu de la Bible ?
Par Chris
Que disent les lecteurs du livre
Jeanne D'Arc and the God of the Bible, The Witch That Wasn't
About the American author Chris
Snidow, the great historian and specialist of Joan of Arc, Marie-Veronique Clin,
says: "Chris Snidow we relive the story of Joan of Arc in a new way." In
2006 his book, Joan of Arc and the God of the Bible was published in the United
States. In 2009, the French translation, Joan of Arc and the God of the
Bible is output receiving rave reviews. Chris has lived for five years in
Europe; the Netherlands and France. Since 2002, with his wife
Catherine, he led American groups in France pilgrimage in the footsteps of Joan
of Arc. Chris is intrested in the true story of Jeanne. He is
especially impressed by her faith in the God of the Bible. The fact that
all the prophecies of Jeanne are all proven accurate pushed Chris to write this
Before publishing his book, he showed his deep interest in Jeanne writing several articles on Joan of Arc and his God, that appeared among others in The Dallas Morning News, Spirit, and The Epistle. Indeed, Mr. Snidow, helped leading expert French and American Johanniques, studied for many years the life and times of Joan of Arc.
professional musician for years, he
founded in 1985 his publishing house, Biblical Sound Pictures (Images with sound
Biblical). The CD Daughter of God / Joan of Arc, a musical study on
Jeanne, released in 2004, was well received by critics. The CD, Joan of
Arc and the God of the Bible, was created specifically for the Sound and Light
show at the Basilica of Domremy in May 2007. He has also produced several CDs on
Biblical themes. His music and books are available in England, Canada,
France, Holland, the USA and on the internet via
Chris received his nursing diploma of state in 1978, and specialized
in psychiatry. In recent years he has worked with Sans Domicile
Fixe. Chris lived with his wife in Dallas, Texas. Since 2002, with
his wife, he leads American groups in France on pilgrimage in the footsteps of
Joan of Arc . Chris helps various churches and chaplaincy
Universtity of Dallas in organizing prayer services with the music of Taize ( ).
Book Summary: Joan of Arc and the God of the Bible, the American author Chris Snidow presents many parallels observed between Jeanne and the great characters of the Bible, unprecedented and ingenious way. For centuries, the supernatural aspects of his life are the subject of intense debate. His interactions with the sent of God, his prophecies all fulfilled, his humble spirit, his bold actions and words, his love of God and his life centered on prayer follow the pattern of life of the great prophets, saints of the Bible. In this time of spirtiualite "new age" and growing free thought, Joan of Arc becomes a powerful witness to the Triune God of the Bible.
For the book
1 - Marie-Veronique Clin
Rene Descartes University
the Medical History Museum
12 rue de l'Ecole de Medecine
75006 Paris
2 - Marie-Anne Bodenez
4 rue Beaugrenelle
75015 Paris
Tel: 01-45-77-15-41
In the Sound and Light
1 - Isabelle and Vincent Roisin
President and Treasurer
of the APREJA
Association for the Restoration of the Church of Joan of
15 rue de l'isle
88630 Domremy la Pucelle
2- Father Mengin
Former Rector of the Basilica of Domremy
Retirement Home
Justine Pernot
12 rue du Moulinot
88307 Neuchateau-Rouceux
Tel: 03-29-94-71-62
contact the author:
Chris Snidow
9320 Biscayne Blvd.
Dallas, Texas 75218
Such. 1-214-327-4579
send email to any email addresses three because I still do not get any emails
from France to my US address. Thank you.